The concept is one of presenting a single-color, two-color or a three-color painting, with the painting consisting of a basic color and a text color. In print the color is written as a word or words consisting of the basic color and the text color, without the written color actually appearing.
Mixed colors
For the RGB color space (= red, green, blue) the following applies:
Yellow = red + green
Cyan = green + blue
Magenta = red + blue
For the CMYK color space (= cyan, magenta, yellow plus black ratio key) the following applies:
Red = yellow + magenta
Blue = magenta + cyan
Green = yellow + cyan
For the (physical) color mixing addition (+) and subtraction (-) are applied. The subject of color is interesting and relevant. The innovative presentation of colors in the project Color Wor(l)d is absolutely new and will speak to numerous people. As a consequence, the presentation of colors will provoke a reaction in the observer. The people collaborating on the programme Color Wor(l)d are exhibiting a rapidly growing creativity after only a short space of time, as the application and combination of additive and subtractive color presentation allows extensive variations including numerous surprises. In contrast to a single color presentation (as shown below), the option chosen here provokes a complex thought process within the observer, as described in the “Osnabrück Experiment” (see further below). However, this experiment was based on a simple (wrong) color presentation, whereas the presentation by the Color Wor(l)d concept requires a multi-tiered thought process.
The intellectual property is protected by a registered trade mark an registered design.
Bernhard Madörin
You can find the price of the paintings here.
ORANGE 21 - Limited
ORANGE 11 - Limited
ORANGE 12 - Limited
ORANGE 14 - Limited
GREY 22 - Limited
GREEN 23 - Limited
GREEN 21 - Limited
GREEN 13 - Limited
GREY 25 - Limited
RED 121 - Limited
RED 21 - Limited
Yellow 11 - Limited ¦ Pink 11 - Limited
GREY 11 - Limited
GREY 21 - Limited
ORANGE 13 - Limited
GREEN 12 - Limited
GREEN 22 - Limited
GREEN 22 - Limited
GREEN 24 - Limited
GREY 12 - Limited